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At Aura we offer a range of chemical peels designed to refresh the skin, add vigour and lustre and reduce blemishes.

Our facial skin peel treatments exfoliate, tighten and improve your appearance by removing layers of skin. You’ll see a real difference in the texture and smoothness of your skin following a skin peel as this skin treatment diminishes the appearance of fine lines and helps to improve your complexion by increasing the elasticity and radiance, and evening out the skin tone.

What is a Skin Peel?

A skin peel involves using a special solution to improve the texture of the skin, tightening it and improving fine lines and wrinkles, giving the impression of a brighter, more youthful appearance. Facial peels also improve the complexion by removing fine red and brown marks (sunspots).

Skin peels use a mild acid to gently encourage the surface of the skin to lift off, leaving it more hydrated, brighter and evenly toned. You can choose from gentle to deeper peels.